By using our own analysis tools, we evaluate your product range based on data and derive a suitable action plan.
portfolio strategy
Together, we define topics such as product category, competition or internal goals and give you specific recommendations for launching new products or product series.
New selection
Based on our marketing funnel model, we derive the best possible campaign strategy for you and improve your campaign performance.
Building on our traffic conversion rate matrix, we help you define the right deals and improve your deal performance.
Together, we define a tailor-made content concept for your detail pages and extended brand content. We actively support you during implementation.
Content Strategy
Amazon ecosystem is globally similar, but every country has its own specifics. Together, we define the relevant markets and a specific roadmap for expansion.
We'll discuss the pros and cons of centralization and decentralization and help you set up your Amazon team in the best possible way.
organizational structure
Together with you, we develop a multi-stage profit calculation at product level and derive concrete measures for optimization.
Based on your internal cost structure, goals and the competitive situation, we will develop the appropriate pricing strategy for you.
pricing strategy
Logistics for Amazon sellers can be carried out directly to the end customer (B2C) or via the Amazon FBA program and includes efficient storage, packaging and shipping of products,
logistics strategy
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